Happy Sag New Moon, Scorpio! The next six months can lead to your financial situation glowing-up for the better, but this can only happen if you hold yourself accountable and minimize the distractions in your life. Whatever new habits you start this week may motivate you in the short-term, but your mission is to find innovative ways to commit to living your best life in the long-term, even if you aren’t exactly where you hoped you’d be by now. Trick your brain into thinking you’re already there. This may mean reprogramming it through affirmations or visualization exercises. That’s the beauty of Sag energy — it’s optimistic in an otherworldly sense, so occasional self-doubt and external criticism aren’t likely to stop Sag from achieving their dreams. Tap into that power as you set your new moon intentions this week, Scorpio. Believe that what you want is already yours, and start acting accordingly. Before you know it, you’ll consistently attract what you want, or better.