Scorpio, the Moon enters Cancer late Friday night, and remains there all weekend, making this weekend supremely emotional and intuitive. With the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and the South Node all in our sign right now, the addition of the Cancer Moon will heighten our sensitivity and psychic nature. You’ll be able to know what your loved ones are thinking, even if you’re miles away. This can feel like a blessing and a burden, and a helpful way to navigate this intensity is through moving your body and spending time in nature. The energy of eclipse season is still influencing us significantly, and many of us are grappling with themes of closure, endings, release, and mourning. One of our planetary rulers, Mars, is currently retrograde in Gemini, and this is sending us a clear message: slow down and pay attention to your unprocessed feelings of grief, anger, or frustration, especially in your relationships. Once you’ve courageously faced these feelings, they’ll no longer hold power over you. Set yourself free.