Happy Cancer Full Moon, Scorpio! This first full moon of 2023 is filled with harmonious planetary aspects, including the Moon in Cancer harmonizing with Uranus in Taurus. You’ll feel more in tune with your spirit and your emotional world this weekend, in a way that feels deeply therapeutic and healing. Say yes to dates these next few days, whether they’re friend dates, romantic dates, or a date you take yourself on. Your life becomes more meaningful as you choose to appreciate the simple pleasures all around you. This full moon also helps you find closure when it comes to an emotional crisis you may have experienced during Cancer Season 2022. Think back to where you were in life last July, and the intentions you set for yourself regarding your spiritual journey, travel, and expansion. With this full moon, you’ll see that you’re much closer to reaching your objectives — the secret to getting there is staying connected to the people and experiences that make you feel amazing.