It’s been three days since Chiron, the asteroid that represents our inner wounds, ended its retrograde in the sign of Aries. This activates Scorpio’s sector of wellness, routine, and health. We’re likely to feel spiritually and physically empowered by this shift direct, because we may have been tough on ourselves when it came to our healing journey these past few months. Now, we’re being asked to ease into a lighter way of healing. You’ve done the shadow work, Scorpio. Now it’s time to let Jupiter’s newfound presence in Aries, combined with Chiron being direct in Aries, encourage you to step into the light, and let yourself shine unapologetically. Let yourself proudly share your accomplishments, without feeling like you have to dim your light or humble yourself. Let yourself apply for your dream gig, especially if it’s all you can think about. The North Node (symbol of our higher destiny) aligns harmoniously with Chiron as the week begins, opening up a gateway of infinite possibilities. Tap in.