Wow, that Full Moon in Virgo was intense, we may still be recuperating from all that was, consciously or unconsciously, released. But, now that the new zodiac year has finally begun, things are coming into motion and it’ll be easier to get a fresh start. For you Scorpio, a serious vibe will envelope you. You’ll want to get things done. You’ll have all the energy you need and more to get your life in order. A new health routine, a revamping of your home and work space, a cleanse and organization of your virtual world. This is where your focus will be at, and it’ll feel so good! On Friday we have the Waning Quarter Moon in Capricorn. If something came up within your communities around the 17th, check in on it, and look in to see if it’s been affecting the ways in which you think and communicate yourself. We end the week with Mercury entering Aries, helping you come up with the perfect plan for a healthier daily routine.