We’re one day away from the Capricorn full moon, and since we tend to feel the energy of full moons most intensely in the days that precede it, it’s best that you spend part of today in your own cocoon, particularly since Venus is currently in Cancer and is making an opposition to Pluto. This full moon is teaching you how to express your most in-depth needs or desires without expecting others to be mind-readers. Full moons also bring closure or things coming full circle, so it’s likely that an ending may occur in a connection where the dynamic felt unbalanced or unequal. This may be a mature decision on one or both ends, and you’ll be surprised at your ability to peacefully let go. This is largely due to Saturn’s retrograde in Aquarius, helping you learn the art of healthy detachment. But just because you can understand the situation from a logical standpoint doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give yourself time to mourn the shift in your connection, Scorpio. Be honest with yourself about what you’re really feeling.