Today is 3/3, a powerful day in numerology to attract vibrant health, purposeful service, and heightened spiritual awareness. The Moon is in Scorpio all day long, which means that your intuitive powers are super strong, as well as your passions. With the Sun in Pisces and Moon in Scorpio, you may be in a magnetic, dreamy and sensual mood today, so if you spend just a few minutes daydreaming about where you’d like to direct your energy next, you’re likely to find fun and unexpected ways to manifest those desires. You may also have an important heart-to-heart with someone today, and it’ll feel like you’re finally able to get things off your chest after a long period of keeping your feelings to yourself. Make sure that you’re fully heard, and make room to hear the other party out too. Once you’ve cleared the air, release the need to control the outcome of the situation, and let the Universe show you how it’s meant to be resolved.