Today’s astrologically charged as Venus in Sag forms a planetary square to Neptune in Pisces and activates our sectors of money and adventure. We’re learning how to balance both of these elements in our lives without going to extremes one way or another. If you’ve found yourself giving more attention to wealth-building than love, or vice versa, the recent Cancer Full Moon combined with this Venus-Neptune square asks you to reprioritize and gift yourself greater abundance and bliss. Instead of seeking out external validation from others, be it through your friendships, your work, or your lover(s), this is a powerful time to validate yourself internally. Make a list of all the things you love about yourself, Scorpio. Be willing to hype yourself up the way you’d hype up your best friend. Whenever your self-critical voice emerges, tell it that it can go take a nap, because you’ve got other plans in mind. You’ll notice your self-confidence increasing when you keep reminding yourself that you are everything you’ve ever needed, and that’s why the Universe will keep blessing you with even more of what you’re wanting.