Scorpio + Sagittarius

Scorpio + Sagittarius

Scorpio and Sag approach life from opposite sides, but can meet quite nicely in the middle. Sagittarius is the adventurer, an optimist, an idealist and a philosopher. Scorpio is much more concerned with reality than with being optimistic. The water sign rather leans into the  mystical, the occult and the depths of the human psyche. In a way, it’s like they’re operating on different wavelengths.

Sagittarius is attracted to Scorpio’s passionate and extreme personality, and this may be a strong spark for their friendship. There will be potential for discord if Sagittarius comes to find Scorpio as too overbearing or intense for their light-hearted nature. But if the relationship is nurtured, it can certainly instead bloom into a beautiful connection. 

Scorpio may initially view Sagittarius as a bit of a mystery, being  so used to figuring everyone out upon the first few seconds of meeting them. As Scorpio gets to know the fiery archer more, they may just realize that Sag is progressive, fun-loving and spontaneous. Sagittarius isn’t always the most reliable (they don’t like feeling restricted by time restraints or structures), but Scorpio can always rely on Sag to make them laugh. Sagittarius does tend to view the glass as half full, and will help Scorpio take things more lightly.

Conflict could arise here in terms of love languages, and attachment (or detachment). Sagittarius is notoriously independent and afraid of commitment, while the sign of Scorpio rules intimacy. The remedy here will be clear boundary setting, and honest communication. Scorpio has to clearly assert what they need to feel good in this connection. Here, the water sign will likely be learning the art of healthy detachment (whether they like it or not).  

The greatest threat to a successful connection here will be if either party fails to be truthful with one another, and/or if they were to impose the other’s freedom. Sagittarius in particular dislikes clingy people, and Scorpio is generally not a fan of people who are nosey. This pair will have to  build trust between them, learning to appreciate distance and time apart, as it makes them appreciate the bond they do have.

Despite their differences, a Scorpio and Sag pair has a lot to learn from each other. The question is whether or not they’re willing to exercise patience & accept what makes them both so unique.

Want to learn more about how these zodiac placements are as friends, colleagues, family members, and frenemies?

Order KTZ founder Dossé-Via's new astrological compatibility book, Signs & Skymates!

This book revolutionizes the way we view love and relationships, through the lens of astrology and synastry.

Sagittarius + Sagittarius

Sagittarius + Sagittarius

When the stars align to unite two Sagittarians, it’s one hell of an adventure. These will likely be great friends who can go ages without seeing each other, instantly falling back into rhythm upon reuniting – as though no time had gone by. The good news is, two Sagittarians who clash don’t tend to waste time remaining in conflict with one another, and instead both continue on their respective paths. 

A Sag-Sag pairing is full of humor, lightness and passion. The flame this duo shares burns bright, but can also burn out, depending on timing and the individuals involved. There can be conflict and clashes, though ultimately there’s a high chance that their shared values will eventually shine through. Even when Sagittarians are incredibly different from one another, they bond over their intense passion, ambition, curiosity to pursue the truth, and relentless craving for freedom. 

A double (or triple, quadruple, etc…) Sag connection can be rare in its way of committing. As a sign that’s focused on self-growth and reinvention, Sag skymates are more than likely to decide they prefer an untraditional way of connecting. Neither would dare consciously hold the other back from doing or getting what they want – and that’s a Sagittarian sign of respect.

This does mean that these free spirits will have to put in conscious efforts to communicate the less glamorous or fun parts of being in a relationship together. Sagittarians in a relationship must resist impulses to make assumptions about one another, and instead ask questions in moments of uncertainty. There’s a time and a place for relishing in a certain thrill out of staying in the dark, but connections are not the place for that kind of unnecessary risk. This pair will also do well to stay mindful about getting carried away hyping each other up on reckless decisions. 

With all this balanced – a Sag connection is really a case of maximizing adventure and fun. There’s never a dull moment between this vibrant, expansive pair.

Want to learn more about how these zodiac placements are as friends, colleagues, family members, and frenemies?

Order KTZ founder Dossé-Via's new astrological compatibility book, Signs & Skymates!

This book revolutionizes the way we view love and relationships, through the lens of astrology and synastry.

Sagittarius + Capricorn

Sagittarius + Capricorn

Sagittarius and Capricorn share an intensity and ambition that infuses their connection with excitement and growth. If they can tap into patience, these beings gain much from learning from each other’s different styles and perspectives. 

Playful competition between Sag and Capricorn can be fun, as long as they remain mindful that it doesn’t veer into ego games or pettiness. Depending where they’re at on their personal journeys, these skymates can clash in ways that cut deep if they aren’t careful. 

On the other hand, when they join forces, their combined efforts have the potential to innovate on a global scale. They can hype one another up and will be inspired by one another’s passion and differences. Sagittarius imagines big picture possibilities, while Capricorn offers structure and direction to the vision. Maintaining balance will require hard work, but the fruits of that labor can make the challenge well worth the effort. 

Capricorn prefers to plan meticulously, looking to the long term, while Sagittarius is more drawn to spontaneity and risk-taking. This means that Sag can open Capricorn up to freedom and spontaneity, while Capricorn grounds Sag in stability and backs their confidence. 

Sagittarius inspires Capricorn to keep spirituality and purpose present in their ambitions. Capricorn in return, sets an example for Sagittarius on how to define concrete values and set practical priorities. Ultimately, this duo has a deep respect for each other’s passion and work ethic. 

Sag and Capriorn make the strongest pair when both members come to the table as accountable individuals who don’t need anything from one another, but choose to enjoy one another’s company. When this is the case, Sagittarius and Capricorn can make a fierce team. One thing to note is that as such proactive and fast-moving signs, there could be potential for burn out with these two. They’ll have to make a conscious effort to take breaks, vacations, and to stop and simply smell the flowers. 

Ultimately, there’s not a whole lot that can stop Sag and Capricorn when they have a shared vision. It’s up to this unconventional duo to decide what level of challenge is going to be fun, expansive and worth their while.

Want to learn more about how these zodiac placements are as friends, colleagues, family members, and frenemies?

Order KTZ founder Dossé-Via's new astrological compatibility book, Signs & Skymates!

This book revolutionizes the way we view love and relationships, through the lens of astrology and synastry.

Sagittarius + Aquarius

Sagittarius + Aquarius

Sagittarius Aquarius connections can be next level. These signs are curious to express love and connection in ways that make room for entirely new iterations of shared joy and growth. Ambition, idealism, and curiosity are common threads that often weave this duo into parallel life paths. They can be natural friends and allies, inclined toward exploration and never ending pursuit of knowledge. 

Sag and Aquarius love falling into existential rabbit holes together, imagining possibilities where most people only see walls. They’re an exciting pair to be around, which will make them incredibly attractive to some and threatening to others. 

Both of these signs define and express their closeness in ways that transcend traditional frameworks for love and partnership. It takes a lot to warm either of these signs up to the idea of labeled commitment, but it’s likely that they’ll find themselves knee deep in joyful intimacy rather than souring the vibe with a premature or restrictive title.

These open minded signs aren’t afraid to be radically honest, which makes them wonderful communicators, for the most part. This fact can also limit any possible wasted time, in the case the duo aren’t on the same page. This limits any possible resentment that could normally form between beings who suppress their emotions, rather presenting opportunities for this relationship to easefully evolve.

When this fire sign and air sign face tensions together, they’ll either fan eachothers flames or threaten to snuff eachother out. When and if they clash, it’ll be rare that either of them will have much patience to deal with friction, and this could be a downfall. Clear communication can remedy this, as well as jumping on the issue – before it’s an issue!

Both Sag and Aquarius are incredibly idealistic and convicted, ready to debate their side of things to whomever they must. It’ll be important for them to both honor one another’s individuality and resist instincts to project, so as to celebrate this likeness. Ultimately when this pair is aligned, their shared bond will reinfuse their faith in the best parts of humanity. This connection is truly beautiful to witness.

Want to learn more about how these zodiac placements are as friends, colleagues, family members, and frenemies?

Order KTZ founder Dossé-Via's new astrological compatibility book, Signs & Skymates!

This book revolutionizes the way we view love and relationships, through the lens of astrology and synastry.

Sagittarius + Pisces

Sagittarius + Pisces

Sagittarius and Pisces dream up exciting new worlds when they’re together… but they’ll have to compromise and follow through with action to make them realities.  Pisces intuitively craves stability, while Sagittarius is a perpetual thrill-seeker. Pisces will therefore encourage nomadic Sagittarius to invest in their roots and emotional foundation, while Sagittarius keeps Pisces curious to learn and explore. 

Both signs are creative idealists and optimists, which is a beautiful thing, but that can also lead to impulsive poor choices. By contrast, when this duo is aligned in their central values and grounded in reality, Sag and Pisces can offer one another a mutually inspiring and nourishing balance of energy. 

For better or worse, these cosmic dreamers can get caught up in fantasy when they come together. It’s important that they stay mindful of the appropriate time and place for indulging in their huge imaginations. They’re able to create masterpieces together when they pool your abilities and resources, while keeping their feet on the ground. When in a mature mindset, these powerful, spiritual beings will be able to bring even the most creative and abstract concepts to life in the real world. 

On the other hand, unhealthy relationships between Sagittarius and Pisces can be riddled with imbalanced power dynamics or misplaced projections. It’s important that these beings resist impulses to judge without communicating. Pisces can feel competitive toward Sagittarius in times when Sagittarius is completely unconcerned with competition. Adventurous Sagittarius can feel impatient with Pisces insistence on familiarity or complacency, especially when it feels like it’s having an effect on their mobility. Here, healthy communication will almost always be the answer. 

It’ll be important for both members of this duo to communicate clearly and consistently as their needs and desires evolve. Pisces will have to speak up about what they want, instead of projecting fantasy-level expectations onto the connection. Sagittarius will also have to speak up about their goals and plans instead of assuming Pisces is on the same page. 

Yet, just because someone can’t read your mind and anticipate your every fantasy doesn’t mean this isn’t a wonderful match. When balanced, Sag and Pisces can and will make magic together.

Want to learn more about how these zodiac placements are as friends, colleagues, family members, and frenemies?

Order KTZ founder Dossé-Via's new astrological compatibility book, Signs & Skymates!

This book revolutionizes the way we view love and relationships, through the lens of astrology and synastry.