Virgo, the Scorpio New Moon on the 4th is here to remind you that communication is key when it comes to getting what you want. Dare to disturb. Sometimes things have to shake in order to find their way. Venus and Mercury both shift energy on the 5th. Venus entering Capricorn activates your creative center by bringing tenderness into the spaces where you’re rigid. Mercury entering Scorpio wants to bring meaningful messages through. Make sure to read all of your IMs and emails. On the 19th, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus wants to shine a light on your life’s vision. Where do you want to be moving towards? Expansive Sag will be swooping in at the end of the month through the Sun and Mercury, activating your need to feel rooted. Can you do more things that help you come out of your comfort zone while allowing you to feel safe and held.


I connect with what is mine. I connect with what I truly want and love in life. I don’t let society or my family dictate what I should and shouldn’t do. I renew my path whenever needed. I breathe and walk in connection to my inner rhythm. I am grateful.