Virgo, we kick December off with Neptune going direct, inspiring sensitivity within your partnerships. Then the New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Sag on the 4th, invites you to slow down. Root, plant your seeds, and have faith in the beauty that will grow with time and dedication. There’s a lot going on this month, on the 13th Mars enters Sag, pulling your energy into your home and family, and Mercury enters Capricorn, boosting your self-expression. With the Full Moon in Gemini on the 18th, show up for the events that bring you out of your comfort zone. Communication is the key to boosting your career right now. Venus goes retrograde the next day, launching a time of deep soul-searching regarding how you live your passion. The last Saturn/Uranus clash of 2021 happens on Christmas Eve, if you’re stagnant in your work life and your health routine, this is a chance to get things moving.

I allow myself to slow down. I breathe deep everytime I realize I’m not present with my body and my emotions. I know my body is my temple, and I take care of it and honor it as such. This is what allows me to show up in the world with my ambitions.