Taurus, spirit calls. Today the collective experiences Jupiter coming into a tense relationship with the planet of our wounding, Chiron. We might be feeling triggered, but there’s a chance to heal here. Chiron in Aries is all about wounds surrounding our individuality, a realm in which we’ve all suffered through our processes of socialization. Today reminds us there’s no one way of doing anything, and we can’t ever know what it’s like to walk in the shoes of another (nor will anyone ever know what it’s like for us!). Here we honor OUR personal lens, and our choices. Taurus, this all moves through your sector of spirituality. As a result… you might be noticing the tensions between your inner spiritual world, and the face you present to the world. Can your unique truth be found in all of your words and actions? Are you being spiritually met in relationship? Or are you putting up with more than you should? Tip: expressing your beliefs (scary as it may seem) is the only way to meet other like minds with a vibrational match.