Here’s to new beginnings Skymates! Sagittarius, this weekend we have the first New Moon of the astrological year, in the zodiac’s initiator sign; Aries. If there were ever a time to take action… this would be it. The potent energy of the ram reminds us to take charge of our lives and to always, always lead with courage. This is a strong cycle where we’ll be naturally re-evaluating our relationship to ourselves. It’s a time particularly ripe with opportunities of change. Sagittarius, pay close attention to any sources of strong emotion, then follow their trail backwards. This weekend it’s time to begin letting go of any resentment or grudges. You may have noticed you’re starting to shed your old wounds dear Sagittarius. They simply no longer seem necessary for the new version of yourself that you’re creating. Enjoy this wonderful process as you burst into the new astrological year – a total fresh start.