We’ve made it to the end of an eclipse week, so even though the Moon spends the first half of the weekend in Leo before shifting into Virgo this Sunday, all skymates should prioritize rest and restoration. We’re in an eclipse passage — the final eclipse of 2020 will take place on the 14th, and this wknd is best for getting our minds, bodies and souls ready for the next ascension. Sag, start planning your next vacation, even if it’s simply a mental one. This season has taught you the importance of self-preservation. You may have stretched yourself too thin these days, saying yes to people’s requests simply because you’re a generous and giving soul. But as you check in with your mental health, you may realize that you need a self-care day — or a full week. What can you gift yourself this weekend that allows you to feel fully valued by your own self? Whether that’s more sleep, making yourself a bomb meal, or having a naked dance party in your room, do what you gotta do to feel free.