We have a massive few days Skymates! This weekend is the Gemini Full Moon, illuminating nodal themes we’ve been collectively working with since 2019. We’ve been exploring diversity: recognizing that as humans, we’re not all meant to be the same (or even agreeable). We perceive and grow in unique ways – because Nature is diverse. On Sunday, Venus begins its retrograde through Capricorn, while Chiron stations direct in Aries. Here, Chiron reflects the warrior’s initiation; individuality, the courage to voice our needs, and our right to Freedom. Sagittarius, for you there’ll be a focus on relationships, as well as self-expression and authentic embodiment. It’ll be worth paying close attention to dynamics with those around you, because you may experience heightened intuition through your physical senses. Notice how relaxed and comfortable in your body you feel with some people, versus tight and tense with others. Tip: strengthening your awareness of your body’s language means it can become an incredible compass.