Hey Sag! 2022 is just days away, have you thought about your New Year’s resolutions? Jupiter enters Pisces on Tuesday, and what was going on in your life from mid-May ‘til the end of July is coming back to meet you. Your idea of home expands. It becomes boundless. Everything is possible! So don’t be afraid to take a leap. On Wednesday and Thursday, Mercury will touch the ongoing Venus/Pluto union. This may be a good time to check in with your attitude and emotions towards wealth. Where do they come from? What kind of abundance do you imagine for yourself? Mercury will enter Aquarius two days into 2022, inspiring you to start the year by becoming more present in your day-to-day. The week comes to an end with the first New Moon of the year in Capricorn, also touching your sector of abundance. This is an invitation to tap into your inner resources and what’s abundant within you.