Sag, this isn’t an easy week, with stern Saturn and unpredictable Uranus clashing with Mercury and Mars in Scorpio. It’d be wise to conserve your power and to take time to search within. Don’t bring your process out into the open just yet. Go deeper into it, discover what’s beneath the layers that you’re able to see and feel into. Mid-week, Saturn may disrupt your schedule in order for you to attend to your need for rest and renewal if you’re not making enough space for it. It also wants you to address any sadness that may be roaming in your inner realms. Venus in Capricorn will lend a hand, by allowing you to feel into the places where your material world needs some rebuilding in order to bring more stability and sense of security into your life. At the end of the week Uranus has its say, urging you to keep your mental health on check.