Skymates, how intensely have you been feeling the start of the new astrological year and the vibes of yesterdays’ New Moon in Aries that still linger? Well, fasten your seat belts as Pluto will begin to shake things up in revolutionary Aquarius after having spent 15 years in Capricorn. Sag, during the next 20 years you’ll feel a deep desire to speak your truth and to connect with others on a deeper level. This is a time of transformation when it comes to your communication style, and you’ll find that your words begin to carry a powerful punch, and to have the ability to inspire, transform, and heal. Are you clear and direct with your words, or do you tend to beat around the bush? Do you listen attentively to others, or are you quick to interrupt and dominate the conversation? Explore new ways of listening and of expressing yourself. You will find transformation in your daily interactions.