Happy 8/8/2022 ascension portal, skymates! The more present you are with yourself, and with nature today (and this week), the more tapped in you’ll feel. Everything can truly be so simple, if we decide to make it so. For you, Sag, this ascension energy is tapping into Jupiter’s Retrograde through Aries, and this activates your sector of roots and legacy. Check in to see what your relationship with your home has been like lately, Sag. Chances are, you may want to feel a greater sense of security around home, and that may be why you love traveling near and far — it allows you to run from the need to feel safe. It allows movement to be your safety net. But you deserve to feel safe even when you’re still. And that’s what the beginning of this week asks you to do, Sag. Be still. Stay still. Listen to yourself carefully. You’ll be astonished by what comes up for you, and how universally connected you’ll be.