Key Themes: Seizing opportunities, adventure and spark, navigating relationships, healing past wounds
Sagittarius, June’s going to come in with a bang – just the way you prefer it. We (for the bulk of this month) are in your opposite sign’s season… but this just means you’re invited into a new state of balance, flow and empowerment.
You’re being supported in this too. On June 1 we have your ruling planet (Jupiter) conjoining (meeting) the Lunar North Node. This’ll feel like a cosmic “you can do it,” and you’ll be here for it.
You can use this building energy which will culminate on and around the Full Moon of the month, which is in your sign (June 3rd). If you’ve been feeling sluggish or lethargic (Taurus season hangover can have that effect), this moon will likely light a fire under your ass again.
The dynamic vibes continue with Venus entering Leo just a few days later (June 5th), and due to some retrogrades, will be there until early October. The planet of love and beauty in another fire sign is going to do wonders for your sense of optimism and excitement Sagittarius. This kind of transit will make you feel like the world is a magical place again.
That feeling will be the perfect remedy for a potential sense of upheaval that could unfold around June 11, where Pluto retrograde enters the sign of Capricorn. Pluto retrogrades tend to reveal the real, bad and ugly – but in the best way. If there are any pressing issues or fears that you’ve been ignoring, these retrogrades raise them to the surface to be transmuted and ultimately, healed. As it shifts into the final earth sign, Pluto is going to be shining a light on your sector of health, wealth and security. Pay close attention to any shifts, prompts or epiphanies regarding these spheres – so that you can pivot and adjust your life accordingly.
On June 18th we have a New Moon in your opposite sign of Gemini, activating your sector of relationships. This will be a wonderful mini portal for reflecting on who currently occupies your energy, connections and time. Pour love into those who feel aligned, and question if there are any ways that you can make less comfortable relationships any more harmonious? Maybe a few (kind) conversations are ready to be had. Here, the Gemini moon reminds you to avoid assuming you know how the other feels. The air sign reflects the fact that there are infinite perspectives, which are all (on some level) true, simply because they exist for someone. You can only ever know your own perspective, meaning a degree of openness will always be the more loving option.
With Cancer season (June 21st) and Mercury (the planet of communication) joining the sun in the water sign, you might notice an emphasis on your inner world Sagittarius. These energies activate your sector of deep healing, transformation and the subconscious. It’ll be a powerful time to go further in your thought processes, and travel back to their roots. What really motivates your actions? Are you being completely honest with yourself (and others) about what it is that you desire?
The soul-searching vibes turn up with Neptune going retrograde through its home planet of Pisces on June 30th (until December 6th). This trippy, and boundary-shattering retrograde tends to amplify the emotional and subtle realms. Because your sector of healing and belonging is being activated, it’ll initiate a particularly important window of releasing opportunity for you Sag.