Key Themes: taking back the reins, following (acting from) passions, emotional healing and release, celebrating and prioritizing yourself

Sagittarius, if last month felt a little more scattered than you would have liked, all good – February is going to look different. We’ve now come out of three major retrogrades, which will feel like life’s flowing that much more seamlessly. Rather than letting time go by without intention, this will be a month to take back the reins on your journey, joy and sense of adventure.

That theme kicks off with a Leo Full moon, on Feb 5th. This is one of those moons which tends to feel like a fire being ignited. A fellow fire sign, Leo is all self-empowerment and boldness. It has a lot in common with Sag energy. With this moon illuminating your sector of adventure and life purpose, it might feel like a fog lifting. Joy, momentum and excitement can be reignited – it’s your time to shine. If you’ve had any passions on the backburner, now’s the time to pick them up and act accordingly. Life’s too short to feel mundane, ever. You’re ready for more.

Being guided by your spark and passion is a theme which will be further emphasized with Asteroid Vesta entering Aries, on Feb 7th. The asteroids tend to be a little less known in popular astrology, but this does not accurately reflect anything about their importance. Vesta’s energy is all about reigniting that inner flame that illuminates our path forward. It makes taking action easy and effortless. This month you’re being invited into remembrance of what lights, warms, and fills you up. What have been the most meaningful and rich moments of your life? It’ll be a powerful time to reflect on what makes you feel nervous-excited. Then, lean into exactly that.

On Feb 18th, the sun shifting into the final zodiac initiates Pisces season. For you this dreamy season will activate your sector of emotional healing and self-love. This time, (particularly around the New Moon on Feb 20th) will be extremely powerful for deep diving into matters of emotion, the soul and your heart. If you’re feeling heavy in any way, ask yourself why? What’s sore?

A square between Saturn and Chiron on Feb 23rd may just make those answers clear. For a minute, it might feel uncomfortable digging through your emotional world – but coming out the other side lighter, clearer and more self-loving will absolutely be worth it. Prioritizing yourself by switching off your phone, saying ‘no’ to what doesn’t feel nurturing, and spending enough time in pure reflection with yourself, are all the tools you need for February to be potent.

Plus, with Venus entering Aries (and joining Chiron) on Feb 20th, you’ll feel this pull towards self-prioritization even more. Often, life does involve filling up your own cup first, so that it may then overflow out to others. Release any guilt around doing this. You’re exactly where you’re meant to be.