Look how far you’ve come. Sagittarius, today is one to start shifting your gaze inward, as tomorrow marks the Dark of the Moon period – the last three days of the Lunar cycle. This time creates a spaciousness for the upcoming Aries New Moon (the first of the astrological year). Astrology is the study of natural rhythms and cycles, one of which is the lunar cycle. The DOM is a time to look inside, to face our shadows, or to simply give ourselves presence. Its energy carries a quiet, healing wisdom. For you Sagittarius, this time brings you the gift of a pause. For some time now, you’ve been magnificently powering through the world, but it’s taking a toll on your overall energy level. Now it’s time to slow down, inhale and process the journey that you have been on. Today, look at how far you have come. Cultivate gratitude and appreciation for yourself, before you start envisioning new horizons on the upcoming New Moon.