Love is in the air and on our minds. Pisces, this weekend we have a major unearthing of all things emotion, love and intimacy. A Venus and Moon conjunction in Scorpio invites us to enter the depths of our intimate relationships and emotional realms. Pisces, all of this powerful energy activates your sector of transformation and evolution – heightening it even more. Get ready for a weekend of deep feels, and if you’re ready for it: release. What heaviness has been sitting in your heart Pisces? Where are you feeling sadness, grief or overwhelm? It’s time for you to acknowledge it, and to express it in a healthy way. Emotional suppression leads to all kinds of imbalances. To avoid this, and to really honor yourself… the only way out, is to go through. This could look like journaling, calling a dear friend to let it out, or simply having a good, healthy cry. You are safe, in even the most beautifully intense of your emotions.