Skymates, how intensely have you been feeling the start of the new astrological year and the vibes of yesterdays’ New Moon in Aries that still linger? Well, fasten your seat belts as Pluto will begin to shake things up in revolutionary Aquarius after having spent 15 years in Capricorn. For you Pisces, Pluto is bringing a powerful energy to your spirituality and intuition. This is a time of deep transformation on a spiritual level. It’s an invitation to explore your deepest fears, desires, and subconscious patterns. Do you trust the guidance of your inner voice? You’re going to start to feel an urgency to trust your gut feeling. Follow it. It is such a powerful tool that can take you towards unimaginable places. These next 20 years represent a spiritual awakening for you, get ready to release so much of what holds you back.