Welcome to February, skymates! This is the last full month where Saturn, the Planet of Challenge and Responsibility, will be in the sign of Aquarius. On March 7, Saturn enters Pisces, where it’ll remain until 2025. This month is astrologically and spiritually significant. For you, Pisces, Saturn’s final stretch in Aquarius is teaching you the power of forgiveness. As sweet as you may outwardly seem, you’re a profound Water sign with the capacity to hold grudges even longer than Scorpios or Cancers. But sometimes those grudges cause you more harm, making it challenging to fully heal. Use the start of the month to make a list of all the people you consciously or unconsciously still have a grudge about. Validate your feelings and accept that they should be acknowledged. But with the full moon in Leo striking this week, this may be the time to burn that piece of paper and let your burdens turn to ash along with it.