Pisces, as we begin the month of November in the midst of Eclipse season, pay attention to outside-the-box experiences that remind you of the impermanence of life. These synchronicities are the Universe’s way of telling you to sharpen your awareness of the present moment for this is all we have and the next moment it could be gone. As Juliet said to Romeo, “Parting is such sweet sorrow”. As the recent Solar Eclipse in Scorpio ignited your sector of philosophy and adventure, what did you realize about what’s most important to you in this lifetime, Pisces?

By the Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in down-to-earth Taurus on November 8th at 6:02am, Pisces, it becomes increasingly important to thread these realizations into your mindset and mundane interactions. This Lunar Eclipse conjoins with Uranus, the planet of Awakening, in your sector of communication and learning, which may compel you to radically shift your perception and simplify the way you share and gather information. Does the sweet fragility of the here-and-now show up when you’re running your errands, talking to your neighbour, or going for your go-to walk in the neighbourhood? This Lunar Eclipse also forms a challenging square to Saturn, the planet of Reality, so pay attention to how and when your mental and emotional states signal the need to set boundaries for recentering yourself with what matters most. Remember this quote by Radhanath Swami: “Mother Nature speaks in a language understood by the peaceful mind of a sincere observer.”

By mid-month, Eclipse season wanes with Venus entering uplifting Sagittarius on November 16th, activating your sector of career and reputation until December 9th. With Venus in Sagittarius, you may feel more optimistic and confident in the public sphere and receive opportunities for business alliances. As the planet of Communication, Mercury, enters fiery Sagittarius the day next through December 6th, open your mind to collecting visions, ideas, and goals for engaging in a satisfying role in society. Pisces, let yourself be inspired by Emily Weiss’ words: “And if you hear ‘that’s not possible,’ then ask ‘what is possible’.”

On November 22nd, the Sun shifts into exuberant Sagittarius which intensifies the life force energy in your sector of career and reputation until December 21st. Welcome to Sagittarius season, Pisces! Since Scorpio season may have clarified what’s more vital for you, you may notice that your understanding of ambition and accomplishment holds elevated meaning. What does “fulfilling your destiny” mean for you now, Pisces?

Pisces, while it’s in your nature to go with the flow and trust that everything will work out, Sagittarius energy challenges you to believe in big-picture thinking. The New Moon in visionary Sagittarius on November 23rd at 5:57pm opens a powerful portal for renewing your sector of career and reputation. Look beyond your title, status or type of work you do, Pisces, to a higher ideal of aligning with what it is you incarnated to be.

The possibilities are limitless as your traditional ruler, Jupiter, stations direct in Pisces a few minutes later. As the planet of Expansion & Opportunity culminates a 12-year cycle, what kind of knowledge have you gained about what it’s like to be an empathetic soul navigating a human experience? Pisces, the world might feel overwhelming at times and it’s because you’re so intuitively sensitive. With Jupiter in Pisces, it’s time to let go of the illusion that “love” can only be found in the world of dreams and fantasy – there is no need to escape. Pisces, turn the compassion, that you so easily give out, inwards and know that you carry a beacon of universal love everywhere you go, which lifts the spirits of those in need. Use your powers of creative imagination during this Jupiter-New Moon portal to make a vision board or an altar to symbolize and ground this inner knowing.