Pisces, the Scorpio New Moon on the 4th is a time to explore what excites you. Open up to new and different things, dissident and cutting edge ideas. Renew your view of the world. Venus and Mercury both shift energy on the 5th. Venus entering Capricorn is an invitation to join new groups, meet new people and have fun exchanging your interests. Mercury entering Scorpio wants you to share your emotions within these new connections and to open up to new love! On the 19th, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus is an invitation to readjust your rituals so you can serve the things and spaces you want to keep in motion. Expansive Sag will be swooping in at the end of the month through the Sun and Mercury. Be honest about your needs within your personal and professional life. You don’t need validation from the outside world in order to do you.


I make an effort to be present in all my daily interactions, no matter how insignificant they may seem. This is how I become embodied, by fully bringing myself into my life. I get curious about the things that catch my attention, even if I don’t know why.