Key Themes: bigger perspectives, personal responsibility, home life, joy, wholeness

Pisces, the month of June invites you to make space for joyful creativity so you can surrender to your innate worthiness.

Since the end of May, Mercury has been retrograding in earthy Taurus and compelling you to re-assess the information you consume to facilitate peace of mind. You may have noticed your capacity for information has reduced or that you crave more silence. On June 3rd, the Planet of Communication stations direct and provide an opportunity to gradually integrate what you’ve learned about your thought and communication patterns. On June 13th, Mercury enters swift Gemini where it will activate Pisces’ sector of home and family, stimulating your willingness to learn about where you come from until July 14th — if you open your mind to it.

On June 4th, Saturn, the Planet of Challenge, begins a 6-month retrograde period activating Pisces’ sector of spirituality and healing. Saturn retrograde asks you to objectively review any subconscious fears and perceived limitations that are preventing you from surrendering to the flow of life. Do not be afraid of this, Pisces, as Saturn can help you take personal responsibility and provide much-needed structure to your sea of emotion.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 14th at 7:52am illuminates Pisces’ sector of career and reputation. If you’ve been feeling lost or confused in your life’s direction, the Sag Full Moon may highlight broader meaning or perspective; especially when it comes to a sense of contribution to society and what you’ve been conditioned to believe is the “right” path. While this Full Moon forms a challenging square to your ruling planet, Neptune, it has the potential to heighten a sense of illusion. Your mission with this Full Moon is to see things for what they truly are and trust the process.

On June 21st, the Sun enters nurturing Cancer, a fellow water sign, activating your sector of self-expression and creativity. Welcome to the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, Pisces! Cancer season is ripe for channelling your powerful imagination into creative expression and cultivating joy. Think back to what you loved doing as a child and how it made you feel, and consider how you can integrate more of this into your life.

From June 22nd to July 17th, Venus in Gemini provides opportunities for beauty and harmony in Pisces’ sector of home and family. Your lesson with this Venus transit is to release tension and allow love to enter your heart, which might look like compassionate speaking to your inner child and family members, or curiously listening to your elders tell old stories.

The New Moon in Cancer on June 28th at 10:52pm activates Pisces’ sector self-expression and creativity and forms a square to Jupiter, the Planet of Expansion, which has been challenging you to strengthen your self-esteem over the past few weeks. Pisces, you can feel fear without letting it stop you from expressing your true self and being admired. On this same day, Neptune in Pisces begins a 6-month retrograde in your sector of personality, compelling you to reassess what healing personally means for you and what it looks and feels like to carry yourself in the world in your wholeness. Use this Cancer New Moon portal to set intentions for tending to your sensitive nature so you can fully expand into your worthiness of belonging and connection.