Pisces, we kick December off with Neptune going direct, inviting you to bring radical tenderness into this harsh world. Then the New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Sag on the 4th, will renew your career goals. No more putting your dreams off. It’s time to step into your purpose. There’s a lot going on this month, on the 13th Mars enters Sag, helping you focus on your long-term goals, and Mercury enters Capricorn, connecting you with the ones that share your visions. With the Full Moon in Gemini on the 18th, work on feeling comfortable in your inner world, and on becoming more comfortable taking up space in the outer world. Venus goes retrograde the next day, launching a time of deep soul-searching regarding your sense of belonging. You’ve been able to let go of so much this year, with the last Saturn/Uranus clash of 2021 on Christmas Eve, make sure to stay attuned to your healing process.

My dreams matter. I tap into their potential. I know it isn’t easy, but I know that I don’t want to live a half life. Going for my ambitions is what helps me to feel comfortable and at home in my inner world, and safe showing up in the outer one.