Today we have a powerful New Moon that hangs out alongside Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn – all in the sign of Aquarius. THIS is the energy of 2021. We’re being called into creating new visions, socializing and recognizing the platonic love that we have for the diverse members of our earth family. Pisces, today you’re invited to look at what ‘balance’ looks like for you now. The year of 2021 asks you to retain balance through moving landscapes like never before. This is across all spheres; your social life, career, relationships and family life. It’s up to you to figure out exactly what this looks like. Remember: as a highly empathic being, it’s important to own your own energy, so as not to be unduly influenced. When you’re in spaces with overwhelming energy, practice coming back to your energetic bubble; and staying connected to your spirit. This New Moon invites you to connect to your center in a much deeper way.