Libra, this isn’t an easy week, with stern Saturn and unpredictable Uranus clashing with Mercury and Mars in Scorpio. You’re in the mood to lay out the master plan to cash up, and you have all the energy you need to follow up on that plan! You’re extra jealous about your resources and want to defend them at all costs. Mid-week, Saturn swoops in, making you take a cold hard look at your cash flow. Are you spending more than you’re making? This is a time to make sure that what goes out will bring more in, instead of leaving you with less. Venus in Capricorn will lend a hand, by helping you to sink deeper into your foundations and need for security. At the end of the week Uranus also has its say about this. If you’re in debt to any institution or person, get clear on this, because you could be struck with some unexpected interests.