Skymates, how intensely have you been feeling the start of the new astrological year and the vibes of yesterdays’ New Moon in Aries that still linger? Well, fasten your seat belts as Pluto will begin to shake things up in revolutionary Aquarius after having spent 15 years in Capricorn. Libra, during the next 20 years, you’re being called to dig deep and confront any fears or insecurities you may have around expressing your true self. Are you ready to step into your power and fully embrace your creative side? Whether it’s starting a new hobby or pursuing a passion project, the universe is urging you to let your creativity shine. When it comes to love, emotions will be especially intense. Get ready to confront any underlying issues or patterns in your romantic interactions. This is a powerful time of transformation and growth when it comes to your pleasure and your self-expression.