With the Moon remaining in Cancer this weekend, we’ll feel the urge to slow down, clean our homes, and check in on our emotional needs. We’re also feeling the effects of the upcoming Leo Full Moon, so staying hydrated is essential. Leo, since the full moon will be in your sign, and we tend to feel the effects of the full moon most potently in the 4 days prior to it being full, this wknd is about getting your mind, body, and spirit prepared for your annual rebirth. The person that you are now is not the same as who you’ll be just one week from now, after you’ve made it through your full moon. You may feel like you’re shedding dead skin while letting go of grudges, past hurts, resentments, and frustrations. This may be a highly emotional wknd for you, but it’s exactly what you need to get to the next chapter of your life.