We’ve made it to the end of an eclipse week, so even though the Moon spends the first half of the weekend in Leo before shifting into Virgo this Sunday, all skymates should prioritize rest and restoration. We’re in an eclipse passage — the final eclipse of 2020 will take place on the 14th, and this wknd is best for getting our minds, bodies and souls ready for the next ascension. Leo, the Moon in your sign has shown you what happens when you stay in your own lane, and this weekend you’ll be very much in that vibe. You have exciting ideas about how you can end 2020, but in order to truly tap into the magic you should meditate and spend some time solo, even if there are exciting opportunities to socialize. You can indulge in both, but prioritize self-reflection because this eclipse week will help you piece together parts of your journey that previously felt confusing. It’s all coming together, you just have to pay attention.