Leo, it’s ok to not want to continue on the path you’ve been walking on for the past years. It’s ok to change course. It’s ok to doubt, to take your time to look at the pros and cons of your desires. It’s ok to throw the list away and decide to just follow your heart’s desire. Whatever way you know is right for you is the right way, and if you’re not sure which path you want to take just yet, that’s alright too. Give yourself the chance to dream and to explore. Walk the path of uncertainty, play and have fun within it, it’ll ultimately lead you towards something that makes more sense. The Solar Eclipse in Taurus happens at 4:28 pm EST on Saturday, and it falls in your area of career, long-term goals and social status. In your experience, how do all of these things connect with one another? And how are you currently in relationship with them? It’s time to tap into the inner space from where you can claim these areas of your life, so the circumstances don’t overpower you.