Happy Holidays Skymates – 2021 is going out with a bang! On the 24th, we’ll experience the third and final square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. This potent energy has characterized 2021, and we’ve all felt it: the increasingly clear flaws within our authoritative structures, and rebellion. It’s been the questioning of the societal status quo, as well as the question: where do I really find love and value in my life? Leo, you’ve been working with themes of ‘deconditioning’ all year – that is, figuring out what belief systems are coming from you… versus the influence of others. Because this energy moves through your sector of relationships, you might be noticing big shifts in your dynamics with those around you. The universe carries a message of Self-trust for you lovely Leo. A deep connection to your own sense of empowerment will give you more than enough grace to carry yourself, while appreciating even the broadest of differences in others.