Leo, on Monday, tap into your need for interconnectedness. Tap into the things you want to build and nurture as a part of a community, as the Moon is still in Gemini until Tuesday morning. On Tuesday, we begin the day with Neptune stationing to go retrograde for the next five months. Until December, it will be easier for you to identify the illusions within your collaborations and shared finances. A little bit of boundaries between what’s theirs and what’s yours can go a long way. The New Moon in Cancer is happening on Tuesday at 10:52 pm EST. So much deep information and emotions will be coming up to the surface. Create space for stillness, to connect with all that is arising. Attune to your intuition, follow it, slowly, trustingly, at your pace. You are learning to let go of the fear of assuming your own power. You are making way for the creative energy that lies at the core of who you are.