Leo, the Scorpio New Moon on the 4th is an invitation to reclaim your energy from the paths your family and society set you on. Listen to your heart. Can you hear your true calling? Venus and Mercury both shift energy on the 5th. Venus entering Capricorn will bring more harmonious boundaries into your workplace. Mercury entering Scorpio will help to create more fluid exchanges with your family and within your home. On the 19th, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus may bring the unattended issues in your career to your attention. Don’t be afraid. A lot of magic can come from you tending to them lovingly. Expansive Sag will be swooping in at the end of the month through the Sun and Mercury. Ask yourself this, does what you make for the collective come from the heart?
I care about the work I do out in the world. I make sure to offer the best of what I have, no matter what. I’m letting go while I learn. I’m walking the bridge between what I’ve inherited and all the new that I’m opening up to and taking in every day.