Today at 8:48am EST, the Sun (the ruler of Leo) conjoins Mercury in Aquarius. This means it’s a beautiful day for all things self-expression. More specifically Leo: it’s your time to shine. With the spotlight (the sun!) on Mercury, mental pursuits, communication and the deconstructive nature of understanding are exemplified. Mercury brings definition to all it touches. Leo, lately you’ve been super ambitious and dreaming big – which is amazing. However, you’re not paying a lot of attention to the practical details. Today you’re reminded to stay mindful of the less glamorous (yet equally important) details on your magical path. Bigger picture perspectives are great as long as they don’t neglect essential elements. Today is a day for list-making, chores and errands. You know how it starts to weigh on you as it builds up. Commit yourself to a day of doing life admin and we promise by the end of it, you’ll feel so much lighter.