Key themes: Exploring life through new lenses, deepening your journey, emotional healing and safe space, reciprocity
Gemini, you’ll probably look back on September as being one of the lighter months of the year, as an abundance of nourishing energy is activated in your chart. We still have a plethora of retrogrades but a wave of cosmic empowerment is going to leave you feeling more than equipped to handle all that life throws at you.
On September 3rd Venus (planet of love, beauty and relationships) ends its retrograde in Leo, catalyzing a collective sigh of belief – and for you, a much calmer mind. This transit has been activating your sector of mental processing, and therefore likely shining a spotlight on your mental health. If your mind suddenly feels more spacious, lean into it and enjoy. This will be a time to cultivate deep presence, and a sense of being that emanates from the heart, rather than the head. Intentionally minimizing your social media and tech usage, as well as allowing more space between tasks, plus staying hydrated, will help here too.
The very next day (Sep 4th), Jupiter begins its retrograde through the sign of Taurus. This potent transit will activate your sector of spirituality and connection, so it’s a big one! Your planetary ruler (Mercury) continues its retrograde through Virgo until the 15th, inviting you to shine a spotlight on your thought processes and patterns. There’s a focus on how you mentally perceive the world, a lens which is expanding. Jupiter retrograde suggests a similar journey, yet this time it’s more about how you experience the world. As this transit takes us all the way until the last day of the year, the universe invites you to dive into new and exciting places, connections, environments and opportunities; which deepen your personal sense of meaning, and love for life. This can be quite a radical and magical chapter, Gemini. Think “leap of faith” energy.
There’s a deep self-focus theme coming through this month for you, highlighted once again by the Virgo New Moon on Sep 14. This activates your sector of emotional healing, and like all things Virgo, has a practical flavor to it. You’re being invited to look at the ways that you can provide yourself with safe containers to express, release and explore your feelings. Is your current lifestyle granting you time with your inner world? How’s your nervous system doing? Who are the ones that you can lean on and share with, without being judged? Mercury goes direct the very next day, so you’ll likely receive a wave of clarity or full circle moments around this time Gemini, enjoy.
With the Sun entering Libra (September 23), and our consequent equinox, your sector of play, romance and self-expression is activated. This initiates a four week window flavored by a higher degree of lightness and ease. Tune into your needs; spiritually, mentally and body-wise, to see how you can best nurture yourself while you have so much capacity for it. While you have a highly flexible nature, Virgo season has just reminded us that consistency can be our friend.
Anything that gets in the way of that, can be released on Sep 29, with our Full Moon in Aries. This one activates your sector of community and invites you to look at whether a balance is being met between your needs as an individual, and your relationships. Perhaps it’s a time to open yourself up to receiving more. Or, maybe if you’re honest with yourself, you’ve been overextending. Whatever the case may be, Full Moons are wonderful portals for letting go.