Gemini, what places and people have you been longing to explore? With the Sag Moon harmonizing with Venus and Mars in Aquarius on Wednesday, you’re thinking of taking a long journey somewhere new, or perhaps starting a new course of study in the coming weeks. You’ve been feeling restless, particularly during Pisces Season, and now Aries Season’s energy is encouraging you to be bolder in the pursuit of what you love. But Thursday’s alignments are harsher, with the Sag Moon squaring off with Jupiter, Neptune, and Mercury, in Pisces. This can lead to you feeling overwhelmed with all the possibilities that are in store for you this year, and this may lead to you not making any moves at all. Ideally, wait until the Moon enters Capricorn Thursday afternoon before making any significant decisions about your next step. Brainstorm and daydream in the meantime.