Happy Leo New Moon Skymates! Gemini, the archetype of the fiery lion is all about celebrating our individual selves. Your life may not be perfect in all aspects. In fact, it could feel quite the opposite… but either way: you are a divine being, full of (and worthy of) love. That’s a constant – and this moon reminds us of that. Gemini, this moon also highlights your sector of learning and mental expansion. This will be a wonderful time to plant seeds and call-in new hobbies that truly light you up. You could be a secretly amazing artist, cook, film maker or poet – that’s just yet to be discovered! There’s never a time to stop learning and dedicating the time and effort to expanding your knowledge Gemini. You deserve that. The Leo New Moon is connecting you back to your inner child. What seemed amazing to you when you were young? Lean in that direction and watch the magic come through.