Gemini, we kick December off with Neptune going direct, inviting your sensitive side into your public role. Then the New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Sag happens on the 4th, reminding you that the ones you’re in intimate partnership with are there to teach you invaluable lessons. There’s a lot going on this month, on the 13th Mars enters Sag, pulling your focus to where you want to commit, and Mercury enters Capricorn, helping you set healthy boundaries. The Full Moon in your sign happens on the 18th, and it’s an invitation to take care of your body and its needs in order to maintain your energy and upbeat attitude. Venus goes retrograde the next day, launching a time of deep soul-searching regarding your sexuality. You’ve been dismantling old beliefs that no longer serve, and with the last Saturn/Uranus clash of 2021 on Christmas Eve, you’ll start to feel more confident within your new ideas.

I see my partners and associates as mirrors. I know which relationships are necessary and which only take up my time. I make sure to only make space in my life for the ones that are worth it, for the ones that will support me through my personal changes.