We have a massive few days Skymates! This weekend is the Gemini Full Moon, illuminating nodal themes we’ve been collectively working with since 2019. We’re exploring diversity: recognizing that as humans, we’re not all meant to be the same (or even agreeable). We perceive and grow in unique ways – because Nature is diverse. On Sunday, Venus begins its retrograde through your sign Capricorn, while Chiron stations direct in Aries. Here, Chiron reflects the warrior’s initiation; healing our individuality, courage, and our right to Freedom. Capricorn, you’ll be looking deeply at themes of identity, as well as how your life aligns to your true self and emotional needs. Venus retrograde evokes self-reflection on our beliefs and lifestyles. It’s a time to question whether our goals are really for ourselves, or just reflections of societal standards. Lovely Capricorn, look at your life honestly and ask yourself: is this me? If the answer is any way ‘no,’ – you know what to do.