The Moon spends the day in Virgo on Wednesday, and then shifts into Libra Thursday morning. These next two days are about creating structure in our lives, while also tending to our social needs. Capricorn, you’re being called to rest and integrate all that you’ve been learning during Pluto’s 14-year stay in your sign. This may be easier said than one though, because the energy from the recent Leo Full Moon lit a fire under your ass and inspired you to take your dreams to the next level. Use the Virgo Moon on Wednesday to ground yourself as you rise — it’s through being more minimal about what you give your attention to that you’ll really be able to sustain your expansion. Thursday’s Libra Moon reminds you of the power of letting go. If you’ve been holding on to a grudge and it’s causing you to feel resentful, it may be time to find tools that help you learn how to gradually release such feelings, so that you can be free to feel something else.