Get creative Capricorn! Over the next days the moon shifts into Pisces. The Pisces Moon tends to blur lines of intuition and reality. Here, the collective tends to feel more empathic and spiritually attuned, and this will be furthered by a conjunction to the planet of expansion: Jupiter. As a result, you may be feeling more creative than you have for a long while Capricorn – enjoy! We also have Mercury ending its retrograde in your sign. This powerful transit impacts you in a particularly potent way. If you’ve had any recent roadblocks relative to career, wealth or your goals in general – you might just start receiving clear ideas on how to overcome them. With the Piscean influence, your perceptions will certainly be broadening. It’ll be a good time to engage in any tasks that get your creative juices flowing. Tune into inspiration and listen closely to any ideas that come through.