We have an explosive weekend coming up Skymates! Cancer, we’re about to experience the meeting of Mars (planet of action) and Jupiter (planet of expansion), in the powerful sign of Aries. The fiery energy of this conjunction will begin to arise in the days before and continue to reverberate for days after – initiating us into a space of vitality, new paths and empowerment. Cancer, as a cardinal sign (just like Aries), the next few days will be brimming with potential. If you’ve been feeling the call towards a fresh new start, this could be the time! Furthering this fresh slate energy, we also have the New Moon coming up. In order to ground your visions, it’ll be a good time  to connect with the simple pleasures of good food, enough rest and hydration. Venus is shifting into her home sign of Taurus, reminding us that even your wildest of dreams begin by taking one step at a time.