Cancer, during Taurus’ Waxing Quarter Moon on the 8th, we’ll be halfway between the New and Full Moon. Checkup on what has been growing or rearranging within you regarding your intimacy and the ways in which you share your resources. How could your friendships improve through these realizations? On the 9th, Ceres re-enters Gemini. Support and nourishment through communication and ideas will be very important. Looking back to August and December, what messages were coming to you in your sleep? During the next months, keep a dream journal and go back to old dreams from time to time. On the 11th, Mercury joins forces with Pluto in your area of one-on-one relationships. Don’t keep things bottled up within your partnership. Set your feelings, uncomforts and desires free. During the wknd, the Moon hangs out in your nurturing sign. If you feel like trying something new, go for it!