Skymates, we’ve just had the Libra New Moon and Equinox vibes empowering us as a collective. If you’ve been feeling ‘new chapter’ energy  you’re right. Cancer, this energy moves through your sector of emotions. The universe is asking you to consider: are you suppressing your emotions or honoring them? Turning your emotional realm off might seem to allow for an ‘easier’ navigation of the physical world, but here you’re losing connection to the truth of who you are. The opposite situation of becoming consumed by emotions also dims your soul truth, which means finding the perfect balance is necessary. We’re in Libra season now, and as the sign of balance there couldn’t be a better time for it! A healing trine between Mercury (the planet of communication) and Pluto (suppressed fears and triggers) will allow an opportunity for healing conversations and boundary setting if necessary. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable Cancer.