We’ve made it to the end of an eclipse week, so even though the Moon spends the first half of the weekend in Leo before shifting into Virgo this Sunday, all skymates should prioritize rest and restoration. We’re in an eclipse passage — the final eclipse of 2020 will take place on the 14th, and this wknd is best for getting our minds, bodies and souls ready for the next ascension. Cancer, take a break from thinking about what you have to do next week, and focus on what your soul needs right now to fully recharge. You’ve placed a lot of pressure on yourself this week, and your body, mind and spirit deserve to be taken care of. If there’s someone around who’s willing to spoil you or lend an ear for you to talk to, please be open to receiving that love. And always remember that your journal can also serve as a therapeutic way to check in with yourself and fill your own cup first and foremost.